Moving On, Moving Forward

04 Oct

Not really sure how to get this blog started, so a housekeeping and reflection post will do. Starting soon, I’ll be bringing over posts from my Tumblr, reposting or rewriting them as needed, starting with my 31 Days of Polytheism meme fill. When I’ve uploaded everything I want to, I will continue to write for that meme, starting from where I left off. At some point, if I feel comfortable, I might do 30 Days of Belief for my pop-culture things. I am also considering doing 30 Days of Deity Devotion (for more information on that see this post and this archived post) for all the gods I have personal experience with or who I honor on a regular basis. In between those posts I’ll do things about day-to-day life, festival observances, any significant rituals I do, and whatever posts I get inspired for! Because it’s October, I might do a countdown to November 1 and its festival by participating in a devotional kind of Inktober, or something similar to it.

This blog has seen a lot of restarts, but I’m hoping that this version of the blog will become my new constant. I like the format better than where I was, and like that I can use a new format when my practice has changed a lot since my last intensive attempt at polytheist blogging. I am a lot less concerned about internet community than I  used to be, so I might not follow very many people, but I will always happily talk to people in comments and have conversations in chat formats. I’d like to start off by talking about seasons, local spirits and animistic stuff, but will probably be posting about the Coligny Calendar and also my personal version of the Coligny Calendar sometime in the near future so that I can link it when I talk about how it relates to my practice – because it does a lot without me always realizing it! I’d also like to talk about elemental concepts, and shrine-building. So keep an eye out for those!

One thing I’m thinking of doing is a recap of my Autumn Equinox experience this past month, but since it already passed, I’m not so sure about it. Would people like to see that? Let me know in the comments if you are. 🙂

Edit: I also now have an About Page, so if you’re interested go take a look!

1 Comment

Posted by on October 4, 2015 in Uncategorized


One response to “Moving On, Moving Forward

  1. Filipa

    October 4, 2015 at 12:54 pm

    I’d like. *i really hope i’m not bothering you*



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